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Crystal Bowl 14 min Chakra Meditation~Notes CDEFGAB

This Fine Crystal Chakra Singing Bowl Set
is available for purchase
Crystal Quartz Singing Bowl ~14
7 Chakra Meditation
3 taps to...Spinning sounds
2 min. per Chakra
All 7 Chakras Healed and Balanced
for your Health and Enjoyment!
This 14 min. Meditation includes
7 Crystal Bowls Notes CDEFGAB for Chakras
#1 Root thru #7 Crown Chakra
Sit in a quiet place and allow breathing to relax and slow
down, breathing deep into the base of the spine. Allow the
tones 1 by 1 to balance all 7 chakras starting from the Root
Chakra and going up to the Crown Chakra at the top of the
Further instructions will be shown as the Crystal Bowl
Meditation progresses.
For highest quality, full length downloads of Temple Sounds Tibetan
Singing Bowl music please visit the
following websites.

itunes links below:

This music is also available at:
and many other vendors of fine music.

Please go to for more information about Singing Bowls and Gongs and also to purchase Tibetan Bowl Music CD's as well as to view many Antique and Modern Bowls
for sale."
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